Premium DNS Hosting

24 Global Anycast locations, Unlimited zone records, Unlimited DNS Queries, 999% Uptime SLA

pDNS 10 Domain

10 DNS Zone

10 Mail Forwards

Unlimited DNS Records

Unlimited DNS Queries

✔ TTL management per record

✔ Hourly, daily, monthly, yearly DNS requests statistic

✔ 301, 302, iframe web forwarding

✔ Support of NAPTR record

pDNS 50 Domain

50 DNS Zone

50 Mail Forwards

Unlimited DNS Records

Unlimited DNS Queries

✔ TTL management per record

✔ Hourly, daily, monthly, yearly DNS requests statistic

✔ 301, 302, iframe web forwarding

✔ Support of NAPTR record

pDNS 100 Domain

1 DNS Failover & Monitoring checks
100 DNS Zone
100 Mail Forwards
Unlimited DNS Records
Unlimited DNS Queries
✔ TTL management per record
✔ Hourly, daily, monthly, yearly DNS requests statistic
✔ 301, 302, iframe web forwarding
✔ Support of NAPTR record

S početkom od
$23.95 USD

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